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To all our sponsors.  We give you the most expressive thanks for wanting to support PRASFAA in its orders for the benefits of members. The Puerto Rico Student Financial Aid Administrators Association (PRASFAA) is a non-profit corporation committed to more than 700 student financial aid professionals. These colleagues represent all sectors of the student financial aid community including university and post-secondary institutions in Puerto Rico, lending institutions, government agencies, loan guarantee agencies, and other organizations that support the administration of student financial aid.


Before evaluating our sponsorship opportunities, we invite you to get to know our association at the following link:  About us


Find out about our sponsorship opportunities 2023

Si usted desea hacer el pago para patrocinar un anuncio usando esta aplicación, le informamos que el método de pago disponible es PayPal.


Nota: Luego de emitir el pago por PayPal favor de enviar la siguiente información al correo electrónico de la tesorera de PRASFAA la Sra. Sara A. Rodríguez Torres:


  • Nombre de la institución o compañia

  • Evidencia de pago

Giro o cheque: A nombre de PRASFAA. Es importante especificar el nombre de la Institución o compañía y el nombre del socio al que se le adjudicará el pago.  

ACH*:  Transferencia electrónica de fondos entre bancos y cooperativas de créditos. Para completar el formulario de Autorización para pago electrónico favor descargar formulario:

Address to send the money order or check by mail is as follows:



BMP 350

P.O. Box 70250

San  John P.R. 00936-8250

To all our sponsors.  We give you the most expressive thanks for wanting to support PRASFAA in its commitment of seeking benefits for our members.  The Puerto Rico Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (PRASFAA) is a non-profit corporation committed by more than 700 student financial aid professionals.  These colleagues represent all sectors of the student financial aid community including Puerto Rico's universities and post-secondary institutions, borrowing institutions, government agencies, loan guarantee agencies, and other organizations that support the administration of student financial aid.


Before evaluating our sponsorship opportunities, we invite you to know our association in the following link:

 Who are we?

Learn about our 2023 sponsorship opportunities

 If you wish to make the payment to sponsor an ad using this application, the available payment method is  PayPal.



Note: After issuing the payment by PayPal please send the following information to the email of the treasurer of PRASFAA Mrs. Sara A. Rodríguez Torres The email is as follows:


• Name of the institution or company

• Evidence of payment

Money order or check: Payable to PRASFAA.  It is important to specify the name of the institution or company and the name of the partner to whom the payment will be awarded. **Any check returned once has a surcharge of $15.00, twice has a surcharge of $30.00. **

ACH*: Electronic transfer of funds between banks and credit unions. To complete the electronic payment authorization form.

Address to send the Money Order or check by mail is as follows:



BMP 350

P.O. Box 70250

San  John P.R. 00936-8250

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ā€‹Dirección postal:  PMB 350 PO Box 70250, San Juan, PR 00936-8250ā€‹ā€‹

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